©Ayane Shindo
伏木 唯
Yui Fushiki, Pianist
札幌出身。4歳よりピアノを始める。札幌藤女子高等学校、東京藝術大学を卒業。在学時にアリアドネ・ムジカ賞、卒業時に同声会賞を受賞。その後渡独し、ヤマハ音楽振興会音楽支援奨学生、ヒンデミット財団奨学生、文化庁新進芸術家海外研修生として、ベルリン芸術大学にて研鑽を積む。学士、修士、及びKonzertexamen課程修了。ドイツ国家演奏家資格取得。2010年第79回日本音楽コンクール入選、2017年第63回マリアカナルス国際ピアノコンクール入賞、第61回ブゾーニ国際ピアノコンクールセミファイナリスト、2018年第4回高松国際ピアノコンクール第3位入賞など他多数。これまでに東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団、藝大フィルハーモニア、瀬戸フィルハーモニー交響楽団、高松交響楽団と共演。また国内外で多数のソロリサイタルを開催するほか、2017年よりチェリスト山口徳花と"Duo Axia"を結成、室内楽の分野においても活動の幅を広げている。これまでに小熊倫子、浜田典子、北島公彦、青柳晋、パスカル・ドゥヴァイヨン、村田理夏子、ビョルン・レーマンの各氏に師事。現在、大分県立芸術文化短期大学助教および東京藝術大学ピアノ科非常勤講師。
For her thoughtful and imaginative playing style Yui Fushiki has established a reputation as a fine young concert pianist. She has had notable success at many international competitions, winning third prize at the Takamatsu competition 2018. She was previously awarded first prize at both the Rocchetta and Himes competitions, was a prize winner at the Maria Canals competition in Spain, and was a semi-finalist at the Busoni competition in 2017.
Born in Hokkaido, Japan, she was given her first piano lesson at the age of four. She went on to study at Tokyo University of Arts (Geidai) under Prof. Susumu Aoyagi and graduated with the extra honour of the ‘Ariadne Musica’ and ‘Doseikai’ prizes, given only to the most outstanding students. In 2013 she moved to Berlin to study under Prof. Pascal Devoyon, Rikako Murata and Prof. Björn Lehmann at Berlin University of Arts and graduated from Konzertexamen course in 2021.
Yui gave her first solo recital at the age of 14 and she has performed at many festivals and concert venues worldwide. These include the Chopin Festival at Kawai Omotesando in Tokyo, Instrumentenmuseum Berlin, the Japanese embassy in Berlin. She has appeared as concerto soloist with Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Geidai Philharmonic Orchestra and Seto Philharmonic Orchestra.
Aside from her piano studies, Yui has always had a strong interest in composing. She took lessons in composition and music theory at the Yamaha academy, and her early “Sonatina” was released as a commercial C.D. She also enjoys performing her own music within her concert programmes.
At present, she is teaching at Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture as an assistant professor and at Tokyo University of the Arts (Geidai) as a docent.